Wednesday, 15 August 2018

Sacrifice vs satisfaction

Mother earth and mother nature are the greatest epitomes of sacrifice in every organism's life cycle that populates this planet. Every orgnaism that embodies life is grateful to mother earth, mother nature and to the almighty for that. Each organism has to struggle its way to survive and thereafter give back to both mother earth and nature at the end of the life cycle whatever was their's. Yet both of them are so indifferent towards what they give and take. Every single atom of them is an embodiment of sacrifice and sacrifice alone. So what gives them the satisfaction to go on and on endlessly for eternity? Why doesn't the planet come crushing down on us wiping us all off one fine day? Only to be a witness to the play of creation is their satisfaction. Yes, they do bring destruction and havoc in the form of calamities but only to recreate. Creation-nourishment-destruction-recreation is the dynamic cycle driving all the inevitable changes around us.

God has gifted us females with this dynamic power to run this cycle just like mother earth and mother nature endlessly untill eternity.what is this power? It is nothing but the ability to sacrifice. He packed every cell of the female body with unlimited power to sacrifice. Only then it is possible that a female gives birth to life, with every cell of her body and soul contributing in the creation. So, motherly instincts are inherent in us from the day we were concieved in our mother's wombs. But the greatest rule of sacrifice is that it never demands a pay back.

Unlike mother earth and mother nature we are humans first, hence we have all rights to have expectations too. Being content with whatever we have achieved in life will keep us peaceful and stressfree leading us to a better day to day healthy lifestyle. But is contentment equal to satisfaction? Ask yourself, what makes you content and happy? And what gives you the sense of satisfaction, i.e. the sense of being alive?
I asked these questions to myself. It took me quiet long to realise and find the answers by myself. I am sharing it with you here. Please do share your answers with me too. After all sharing is caring 😂😂😂
To me at this point of time in my life contentment is this phase of motherhood that am going through and will go through in the near future. It is the fulfillment of a purpose of the soul that inhabits and drives this body of mine. My success as a mother will complete one dynamic cycle only after the recreation embodies itself into the bundle of joy in my arms. My gift of joy given to me by God through me only.
My sacrifice is my contentment. And for this sacrifice to survive as contentment forever I have to be aware of my expectations. My expectations must never ever overpower my contentment or my this joy of sacrifice. And for my expectations to be under my control I have to create satisfaction within myself. This satisfaction shall come from the fulfillment of a purpose of the soul that inhabits and drives my mind. Both sacrifice and satisfaction demand efforts. Sacrificing as a mother comes easy to us because we are designed so physically. But creating satisfaction within is a bit more difficult as power of the human  mind or brain is the same for all men and women. Satisfaction has to be earned  and earned enough to overpower the emotion of expectation especially from my bundle of joy. Only if I am satisfied and feel fulfilled in my mind I can keep the contentment of sacrifice alive for long. The day I start expecting from my child the contentment will be over. So, once I am content with my recreation, I will have to nourish it with my sense of satisfaction in order make this journey harmonious and joyful till the end of my living. 
I feel I can earn this sense of satisfaction only by following my passions. So I pledge never to sacrifice my passion.

What is your pledge for satisfaction?

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